Shhhh… the new horror drama starring Lupita Nyong’o sneaks onto VOD this weekend
Shhhh… the new horror drama starring Lupita Nyong’o sneaks onto VOD this weekend
It’s hard to be a dad (and a serial killer)
source https://www.polygon.com/24212250/trap-review-shyamalan-m-night-movie-hartnett
In a sea of free competitors, how will Concord not only stand out, but survive?
source https://www.polygon.com/24211550/concord-ps5-pc-beta-player-numbers
Here’s where you can buy this adorable new MTG set
source https://www.polygon.com/24190175/bloomburrow-magic-the-gathering-pre-order-expansion
Ghibli alums combine forces to make a fascinating fantasy anime
source https://www.polygon.com/anime/24210117/the-deer-king-netflix-anime-movie-streaming
Fossil Pokémon are showing up in numbers, but most of them are inside eggs
How to complete all five challenges for The Final Shape raid
Riot’s tactical 5v5 shooter is now free for all
source https://www.polygon.com/24205554/valorant-ps5-xbox-series-x-release-date-riot-games
ROMhacking.net’s data is moving over to the Internet Archive
source https://www.polygon.com/24211944/romhacking-net-closure-internet-archive-downloads
Plus which character deserves a 50 Shades-style spinoff
source https://www.polygon.com/24211450/alex-hirsch-gravity-falls-bill-cipher-book